
Diseases Your Dentist Might Find During An Oral Check-Up 

During your dental checkup, your dentist might find problems with your heart or stomach that you were not expecting. Some of the most common diseases affecting Michigan citizens include diabetes, heart disease, and oral cancer. Therefore, visiting your dentist for routine checkups may ensure good oral health as well as good overall health.

If you are experiencing oral issues, a family dentist in Holt can help you find the underlying cause and start an early treatment. Meanwhile, read this blog to learn about some common diseases your dentist might find out during your oral checkup.

Top medical issues your dentist might find during a check-up

  • Diabetes.

Patients who have diabetes often face problems like bleeding and receding gums, dry mouth, and wiggly teeth. However, most of these problems are due to poor oral hygiene. 

If you have bleeding or receding gums despite taking good care of your mouth, it may be because of diabetes. Diabetic people often feel thirsty all the time, go to washrooms more often, and have loosened weight. 

If your dentist suspects any signs of diabetes, he might recommend a blood test at the nearest medical facility in Michigan. It is important to know that diabetes management and oral health are closely linked. 

People who brush and floss daily have better blood sugar control, which leads to better oral health and fewer chances of periodontal disease.

  • Leukemia.

In many cases, the first sign of leukemia is seen in the mouth. Your dentist in Michigan may find out this during your dental checkup. Swollen or bleeding gums or gingivitis can be the first signs of leukemia. Gingivitis occurs when leukemia cells infiltrate your gums. 

Leukemia can reduce your body’s ability to fight infections, and gingivitis may become more severe. Also, chemotherapy can affect your dental health and cause side effects. Therefore, maintaining oral hygiene is crucial when fighting Leukemia.

  • Heart disease.

If you are an adult and have loose teeth, it may be because of various factors, including heart disease. Other signs of heart disease include gingivitis and inflamed gums. If you have a more severe disease like periodontitis, the bacteria in your gums have already passed into the bloodstream and entered your heart. 

  • Oral cancer.

Oral cancer can be of two types: oral cancer of the cavity and the oropharynx. Possible sites of oral cancer include the front section of the tongue, the roof of your mouth, cheeks, lips, and gums. However, oropharyngeal cancer can affect your throat and tonsils. Hard lumps and bleeding sore in your mouth can be signs of oral cancer.

Males are at greater risk of developing oral cancer than females. Many people in Michigan around the age of 40 are diagnosed with oral cancer. Leading causes of oral cancer include chewing tobacco, smoking, and consumption of alcohol. 

  • Anemia.

Anemia refers to the condition when someone does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body tissues. Suppose your mouth lining is very pale or has a very light shade of pink. Your tongue may also lose its rough structure and become smooth-looking.

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, occurs when the acid in your stomach refluxes into the esophagus. It can cause chest pain, heartburn, and difficulty in swallowing. Dry mouth, canker sores, and bad breath are some of the common symptoms of GERD. 

Your dentist can not tell you if you have GERD just by looking at you. You need to disclose to your dentist if you are taking any over-the-counter medications or drugs. If left untreated, the acid reflux can damage your enamel, leading to decay and tooth loss.

Uncover your problems today!

If you experience bleeding gums, difficulty in swallowing, or loose teeth, there may be a serious underlying cause. Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Michigan today.

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