
How do solar panels work for your home?

As the solar energy price has fallen in recent years, several homeowners have started looking at it as a viable optional energy solution. In this article, we are going to break down how solar panels generate energy for home and how practical it is to go solar.

What Are Solar Cells Made Up of?

Solar cells are made using silicon that works as a semiconductor. It produces electricity as a result of the process called the “photovoltaic effect”. Solar panels function by absorbing sunlight using photovoltaic cells.

This generates direct current energy, which is later converted to usable alternating current using the inverter technology. This AC energy power home appliance. Any excess energy generated is fed again to the electric grid.

How Does Solar Panel Functions at Home?

A lot of people wonder how do solar panels work? If you are planning to use solar panels for energy generation, it is good to get a fair understanding of solar panels. The photons present in the sunlight hit the solar panels present on the ground mount/roof. These panels transform the energy from electrons to DC.

It flows to the inverter, where it gets transformed from DC to AC electricity. This electricity circulates through the electrical panel of the home and is distributed to adequately power the house. This is the simple way in which the solar panel works at home.

How Is the Excess Energy from The Solar Panel Handled?

A typical solar panel is linked to the power grid that generates more energy that can be used at the time of peak sunlight hours. This energy later goes into the grid where it can be further used by somebody else. Homeowners earn the credit for excess energy that their system generates.

You can draw from the “credits” to generate power during the night. The installation comprises a two-way meter that helps keep track of the power sent to the grid with the energy you receive from it.

Working of Solar Panels Work with Grid

Homes that are linked to the electrical grid generally have a utility meter. It computes the amount of electricity that you use during the day. Arrangement of net metering sends the excess power back to the grid and helps you earn credits on the utility bill.

This is beneficial for people who live in areas where they get the maximum amount of peak sunlight that leads to the overproduction of solar power. During the rainy season or night hours, when your house generates less amount of energy, you can use these credits to fulfil the energy requirement of your home. Net metering is a way to accumulate your energy and utilize it whenever required. This greatly enhances solar energy economics.


Solar panels work on a simple mechanism. It has become more cost-effective and efficient over the years. By understanding the way, a solar panel works, you can make the right use of it to maximize energy savings in your home.

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